Monday, January 22, 2007

Clear sky Monday

      If you've been wondering what I've been doing over the past few days -- and even if you're not -- I've been busy catching up on the family newsletters. I did the September one last week and nearly finished the October issue this weekend. If everything goes as planned, I should finish it tonight and mail it tomorrow. Then I want to do the November issue before the end of the month and make a good start on the January issue. In February, I should be able to publish the January and February issue, and finally be caught up from all the time I lost due to my back injury. If you're wondering why the schedule of the newsletters is so weird, I did the December issue out of order so that the subscribers could get it before Christmas. I'll be glad to be caught up again.
      Speaking of my back, it's better. It's not healed completely, and I have to be terribly careful when I do things because it complains, but I think it's getting stronger daily. Soon I hope to start an exercise program.
      The diet? Don't ask. No. DON'T ASK! Okay, fine, the diet isn't going well. Are you happy now? Really? That's all it took? Amazing. Well, here's some more info about it. I'm holding my own, not increasing, but not losing, either. I've identified some problems that I need to address in dieting and hope that when I can exercise, the weight loss will begin in a major way. Although I'd take it in a minor way, too.
      HEY! I got to do something at my local bookstore that I've never been able to do before. I 'faced out' books by Carolyn Hart and by Holly Lisle. What that means is that I re-arranged the books so that Dead Days of Summer by Carolyn and Talyn by Holly were facing out, i.e. displaying their covers to the buying public. I've read in other blogs about fans doing this, but this is the first time I've seen their books at the local bookstore. I've ordered both from the bookstore before and talked them up in the vain hope that I could influence the store's buying decisions, but it's a chain store and the clerks just stared at me like I was a freak. But both books were there this time so I'm hoping that my nagging did something. Anyway, I got to face out their books. I quite feel like a proper fan now, I do.
      The snow and ice are mostly gone in my town. Our streets are clear. I'm so relieved. The huge snow and ice they predicted was only rain here. Rain that we needed. I hope we get more rain. It would be wonderful if our lakes and ponds would be filled to overflowing, particularly after the terrible drought we suffered through last year.
      I just finished watching Jay Leno. I love Headlines. It's my favorite of the segments he does. I always watch it on Monday nights.
      And it's now time for bed. Have a wonderful day tomorrow. Good night!


Anonymous said...

I had never even heard of face'n out or what ever it is called when you do it. I hope to do that to one of your some day. Keep writing.

SBB said...

I hope you get to do for my books someday, too, Roen! Thanks for the encouragement.

CrystalDiggory said...

Actually, I wasn't wondering what you were doing on Monday, but I am wondering what you're doing now...

I didn't know there was actually a name for "faceout", although I have done it. I must have good marketing instincts. I've also faced-in books I didn't like. I don't know what kind of instincts that comes from..and I'd prefer it if no one comes up with a name for it!

SBB said...

It is fun, FF.

Crystal, I've never faced-in books before, but I can understand the impulse.