I made it to work again today. I was indisposed (don't ask; trust me) a couple of times, but overall, I did okay. Fortunately it was slow so not much was required of me, and I was able to catch up from the days I missed.
I spoke to my medical team today; well, actually just one of them. Here's their plan for me. Over the next few days, I'll get weaned off the drugs I'm on. Then they start checking for lupus. Right now, my top priority has to be getting healthy because the drugs that treat lupus also depress your immune system so they can't give them to me while I'm fighting this creeping crud. Mind you, they don't know I have lupus. I'm hoping and praying I don't. I didn't know much about lupus when they first mentioned it to me, but over the past two days, I've learned a lot about it. (I also added a link to The Lupus Foundation of America to the left.) I definitely do not want to have it. But we'll dance over that bridge when we get to it if we have to.
Anyway, I started work on my book again. The characters were waiting impatiently for me so we got back to it. I also paid some bills tonight and did a few other things, but don't worry. Not too much, just enough to make me feel like me again.
My friend Kevin asked me how I was holding up emotionally and spiritually throughout this. Well, I'm reminded of that old saying: When you reach the end of your rope, make a knot and hold on.
I'm holding on. And I'm not going to let go.
So how was your day today? I hope you're enjoying the time off from work and taking it easy.
I did almost nothing today! I watched a couple of old movies on TCM, napped and generally tried to treat myself well. I hope other people were more productive than me! :)
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