Monday, May 12, 2008

Latest news

      No podcast this last weekend if you didn't notice. WildVoice, the free podcast program I was using, stopped working. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it several times, but no go. I'm looking for another solution and hope to podcast again this weekend.
      However, I did have the drawing for the proof copy of EndlesS, the collection of some of my poems. And the winner is (imagine DRUMROLL here) Trixie! (Imagine CROWD APPLAUSE here) That's right, Trixie, you won the proof copy of EndlesS! Just email me your mailing address, and I'll get it sent right out to you!
      The writing is going slowly on Murder by the Acre. This is the nitty-gritty time where I work to make to everything fit and settle all the questions raised by the book -- or at least enough to them to satisfy most of the readers. (After all, it is a series. I need to leave a couple of things unsettled so that I can build on them next time.) Between writing spells, I'm entering in the many corrections that Crystal found for me. She'd done a great job, and only lacks the last chapter, the one I'm working on now. Sometime next week, the book will go to the second proofreader, the lovely and lively Frenzied Feline.
      Speaking of next week, my second oldest niece J-May will graduate from high school next weekend. I'll be traveling up there to witness her walking across the stage. She has won a lot of scholarships with her high grades and vocal talent, and is excited about attending college. My sibs and their families will be at the graduation, too. I'm looking forward to it.
      I'm still fighting a spring cold. Or maybe it's allergies. Hard to tell since the meds are the same either way, for the most part.
      I slept badly last night. Or maybe just not enough. I seem to have a sleep deficit most days. I once actually fell asleep at my desk. Slow, boring day, and I closed my eyes and was out. Woke up a few minutes later disoriented. Very weird. It all has to do with giving up caffeine for the most part.
      I'll close now and get ready for work. I hope you have a great day and week. Talk to you later.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Trixie!! :)

I wonder if it's one of your meds causing the drowsiness. My sister takes meds for high blood pressure and so do I. She got her doc to change hers because the one, which is what I take, was causing her fatigue and lightheadness. I've changed mine to taking it in the evening instead of the morning to see if it makes a difference. If not, I'll be asking the doc to change mine, too.

Trixie said...

OH BOY!! I won!!!! I'm so excited! E-mailing you my address so I can read EndlesS soon!

I did miss the podcast for this weekend and I'm sorry the software goofed up on you. I hope you get some good, substantial rest too. I've been having some problems too, and I blame all the drugs I'm taking for this and that and the other thing. I know I'd be better off if I didn't have those drugs. Maybe not for long, but in the short term I'd feel better!

Anonymous said...

I missed the podcast, too, Tech.

Frenzied Feline, how did Trixie slip by us to win EndlesS?!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Gloria, "slip" is right! You really have to watch Trixie, she's a slippery one all right! ;)

SBB said...

FF, I know it's one of the symptoms of diabetes, but the ACTOS could be contributing to it.

Trixie, I hope you enjoy EndlesS. Every poem in it still speaks to me. I hope you're feeling better soon.

Gloria, Trixie is a sly one! You and FF will have to watch her closer in the future. She's lost the element of surprise. :)

Trixie said...

I do not like the Actos. My doctor added it to my routine in my last visit and I think my blood sugar is consistently higher now, not to mention the side effects. I don't know if I can blame it alone, however. She also doubled one of my blood pressure meds which I am sure has been contributing to my impending sense of approaching death.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever had a sleep study done? If you're having periods of apnea at night, it can make you fatigued and feel like you're running low on energy.

I guess I will have to patiently wait until you put Endless on sale to get my own copy. I've always enjoyed your poetry and can't wait to get a book of it!

And, not to put any pressure on you or anything, but hurry and finish the last chapter! I still don't know who did it!
