Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Plans and other things

Murder by the Acre is finally available on Barnes and Noble.com. (Click here to buy!) I don't know why it took so long to show up, nearly three months after it went on sale at Amazon.com and Lulu.com. Anyway, it's there for you B&N aficionados.

My next book is 75 Dates for $25 or Less! coming out this May, I hope, on Lulu.com and in June on Amazon and whenever on B&N. Co-authored with my friend Gail Claunts, this book gives some great ideas for inexpensive dates. Romance doesn't have to depend on cash ... Hey, get your minds out of the gutter.

After that, I'll have another co-authored book coming out this summer. This one, tentatively titled Debt Free At Last: 50 Ways to Win Financial Freedom, is co-authored with my friend Kelley Benson. Kelley teaches finance classes at various churches, clubs, colleges, and other civic groups, and has a lot of good easy-to-follow advice on how to tame your raging debt. I hope this one will be out in June on Lulu.com and the others after that.

And finally, it's time for me to get cracking on Murder by the Mile, the third book in the Measurements of Murder(tm) series. Bernard, Lisa, and the chief will be tangling with another murderer, but even worse, they'll have to contend with a wedding, tons of crazy relatives, a murderous marathon, old girlfriends with fiendish plans, old boyfriends just to make things worse ... It should be a fun, exciting book. I'm looking forward to see how it turns out.

That's my writing plans. My health plans include going to the various doctors until I find one who can help me. And then I will drain him dry of every bit of medical knowledge he has and leave his shattered husk by the side of the road and go on to live forever. Ahem.

As for my current health, not much has changed. I continue to cough blood, no worse but no better. I still have problems with the new medicine, but that's getting better. Or I'm getting used to it.

I haven't walked in several days, but intend to start again after Mikey leaves. Speaking of which, we're having a great time with Mikey. I know you get tired of me saying how smart, sweet, and funny he is .. but he's so smart, sweet, and funny!

As for work, I'm slowly conquering the new system. I like several things about it, dislike many things about it, and will have to adapt to it no matter what because that's how they're going to do things now and that's that.

Well, I have to get to work so I'll close. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Click here to order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Amazon.com.

Click here to order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Barnes & Noble.com

Click here to order Murder by the Acre in softcover from Lulu.com.
Click here to order Murder by the Acre in hardcover, exclusively from Lulu.com.
Click here to order merchandise designed by Stephen B. Bagley


Anonymous said...

Comment Two

SBB said...

Wow! Such insight and wit ... :)

Anonymous said...

wow so mamy post in one week! How will we stand the joy!
Mikey is wonderful even if it is because he makes you smile. Yes it is allabout you.