Tuesday, July 08, 2008

That buzzing sound you hear

(Edited to add: I thought I had posted this Tuesday afternoon, but apparently I saved it as a draft. Anyway, here it is.)

      Pool temp is slowly edging on up. I figure it will be in the middle 80s tonight. At last I will be able to swim without spit freezing my jaws shut. I hope the penguins don't leave, though. They're good company and so cute. Tasty, too.
      I didn't try to go swimming last night because a) I had too much to do, yes, I do, please help me, someone, anyone, I'm beggin' you! and b) the mosquitoes were swarming like they were starring in a SciFi Channel movie. I stepped outside for about five minutes and killed nine that decided to dine on me.
      It was perfect weather for them critters last night. No wind, not too hot, lots of moisture in the stream near my house. They're breeding like ... well, something that breeds real fast. Paris Hilton, for instance. And those little vampires find me mighty tasty.
      In fact, I am the mosquito equivalent of French food. My blood tastes rich, creamy, and delicious. When they bite me, they have such a blissful expression on their little insect faces. You can tell they're thinking, "Yes, oh, yes, this is what I've been searching for my whole life!" Sometimes they break into song: "Oh sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you ..." Then I squash them because they can't sing worth a dime even though the orchestra sounds good.
      They die happy, though. They had a taste of me. In a very creepy sort of skin-crawling way, it's sweet, even romantic, although if you truly believe that, please stay away from me.
      Speaking of the SciFi Channel, did you know it actually made and aired a movie about a man who transformed into a mosquito. It was called -- and I'm not making this up -- "Mansquito." No, seriously, that's what it was called. In the movie, a serial killer is transformed into a huge mosquito/human hybrid and seeks to transform a woman into a womansquito so he can mate. (Apparently, he was one of those people rejected by Match.com.) It ends badly for him, and the woman doesn't get any child ... uh ... insect support at all. After the movie is over, she goes on welfare, receives food stamps, goes back to college, gets her degree, and is a shining example of how the system helps those less fortunate, even those having insect babies. I think we can all learn from her story, don't you?
      We burn those insect repellent candles outside, but they don't seem to do much, other than help put the females mosquitoes in a more romantic mood. The male mosquitoes would like me to play some Barry White music, too, but even though the males don't drink blood, I still think they're creepy, and I'm not going to help them get their insect groove on.
      On that slightly deranged note, I think I'll close. Have a great day!


Kirsten said...

Hmmm...maybe if you played something to cancel out the mood supplied by the candles, then the mosquitoes would go elsewhere. A little polka, maybe?

(BTW, you'll be happy to know that my keyboard almost got a tea bath multiple times during this post. Can't ROFLMAO in a library, but spit-takes are fine so long as no books are damaged in the process.)

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I read this before my sister stopped by and I had to make her read it too so she'd understand why I kept laughing for no reason!!!

I could see the insects singing "Sweet Mystery of Life." I'm laughing as I think about it!!!

Anonymous said...

Polka would be a good mood buster--that or square dance music. :)

Trixie said...

Mmmmm pool...

SBB said...

I had a vision of the mosquitoes lifting up blood mugs and generally behaving like it was Octoberfest as the polka music played, Kirsten. :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it, Gloria.

Polka, sure, FF, but I've been to some square dances and they can be romantic.

I swam in the pool Tuesday night, Trixie, and it was good.

Michelle said...

We have a pool where I live but we don't take advantage as much as we could.

Mosquitos don't like me much. I'm ok with that though. I'd rather bite than be bitten.

Anonymous said...
