Saturday, July 26, 2008


      It's been a hard week. My family has suffered unexpected problems and narrowly avoided tragedies not without cost. But I am grateful. Rain on her blog occasionally lists things she is grateful for. I think I will do this same today.
      First, I am grateful that my brother-in-law (married to my older sister) is still with us. Apparently his life will be different now, but he still has a life. He's angry, in a lot of pain, and confused, but he's alive to feel those emotions. The future will bring its problems as it well, but at present, life is enough of a gift.
      Second, my younger sister -- who had breast cancer -- had another surgery yesterday afternoon and came through wonderfully. She's at home this morning, recovering. Doesn't feel great, of course, but there's a good chance this will be last one for a while, maybe just the last one period.
      Third, I have a job. A lot of people are losing theirs and feeling the pinch as the economy tightens unmercifully. Admittedly, my job isn't perfect and causes a lot of undue stress, but it's a paycheck, and I am grateful for that.
      Fourth, I have good friends. I'm sometimes amazed by the people who remain loyal to me and care about me. I count the readers of this blog in there. Life may keep us from blogging or keeping in touch, but you remain in my thoughts and prayers as I hope I remain in yours.
      Fifth, possibilities surround us. No matter how dark things are, there is still hope. Maybe impossible hope by a reasonable standard, but hope nonetheless. Our ability to look beyond dire circumstances has to be one of our greatest strengths.
      So I'm grateful this morning for the many blessings in my life. Life has its hardships, but I'm not jumping ship. We'll make out okay. Together.


AK Huckeby said...

Hey guy, I'm glad to hear that there's still some hope around the family in this deal. We'll definitely be praying for your family...I'll be sure to put it on our prayer list in sunday school tomorrow morning.

Anonymous said...

Hope. I am grateful for hope, and the source of my hope. And I am glad you have hope. God bless your family in their time of need.

Jean said...

I'm sorry to hear about your brother-in-law, but I hope his recover goes better than expected. I also hope your sister's recover goes well.

Kirsten said...

Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

You and your family are in my prayers.

Thanks for the reminders of the good things. :)