Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New cover for MBTA

      Due to substantial changes in Murder by the Acre, the front cover had to change. Here's the current one. I can't say for sure that it might not change again, but I don't think it will.

      The "noose" cover, by the way, will be used, but for the third book in the series. I think.
      MBTA is my main focus now and will be for the next three months (at least). I'll be posting more excerpts as I put the book in order.
      Hope things are going well for you. Talk with you tomorrow. Good night!


Anonymous said...

HI this is tomarrow where are you!!
Miss you.

Anonymous said...

I don't care so much what's on the outside as the inside. ;)

Jean said...

I'm with Jolene, but I like this cover, too.

SBB said...

Here I am, Roen.

Yes, Jolene, me too, but it needs an outside!

Thanks, Jean.