Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Give my regards to Monday night

      It’s another night at the theater. Once again, I'm in the tech booth of the theater, watching my actors from up high. They look like ants from here ... Well, not really, although some of the cast members are dressed up like my Aunt Dorlena. At least the men are.
      Let's see. What's the week been like so far? Sunday was nice if a little depressing. I got some housework and some filing. I also finished the program for the play and got it ready to go to the printer.
      Today was busy at work to the point I thought my head was going to blow off. Not much fun. A lot of customers. None were particularly bad, but a lot of them had requests and wanted things done. Made for hectic day. I had to work overtime, and I don't get paid for that.
      Tomorrow afternoon I go to my first diabetes education class. I’m hoping it won't be a waste of time. I have a low boredom threshold, which has been well documented here. I'd like to receive good, useful information that will help me control this diabetes completely. Or as completely as I can.
      So far, the cast is doing real well. I hope it continues. A good practice will increase their confidence, and that will go a long way to smooth out the rough spots.
      I thought I could work on the edit of Murder by Dewey Decimal down here, but this computer won't read my flashdrive. Sorry, Frenzied, but there will be another excerpt/snippet Friday if not sooner. I hope. (Chapters 1 and 4 can be found in their entirety here. I hope to get Chapters 2 & 3 up there next week.)
      I'm very tired tonight. I could easily go asleep in this chair. I haven't slept well the past couple of nights. Too much activity during the day. Hard to shut my brain off when I lie down at night.
      It's Tuesday morning. I'm still tired. Wish I could crawl back into bed and sleep for another hour or two. But I have to go to work. That's my life. Sigh. Oh well. Could easily be worse. So no whining. Have a great day.


Anonymous said...

I hope the diabetes education class goes well and that you learn a lot!

Anonymous said...

I hope you stick out the class even if you do find it boring. Is it part of a series?

That's okay about MBDD. I picked up three books at Barnes & Nobel this afternoon, one of them being a Carolyn Hart book from the bargain shelf. I think you'd approve. :)

Anonymous said...

Lol you do get bored easily but just bring along some crayons and one of Mikey's coloring books. Take notes in the sky part. I can't wait to read another chapter.