Friday, August 29, 2008


I saw an ear, throat and nose doctor today. He was very nice. Expensive, but nice. And he seemed to know what he was doing. Knowledgeable. But expensive. Anyway, I'm hoping these new prescriptions will do the trick.

The bad news is that I may have suffered permanent hearing loss in my left ear. I'm hoping that won't be true. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I remain very tired, but overall I'm doing better. I'm starting to think I may finally be on the mend.

Anyway, enough of that. I hope you have a great Labor Day holiday. Talk to you later. Oh, I'm on Facebook now. It's kinda cool. Night!


Rain said...

Permanent hearing loss? Surely the doctor must be telling you the worst case scenario.

I am keeping you in my prayers. Rest easy and have a safe Labor Day

Jean said...

Ouch. It's good to see you on Facebook.

Hey, if you haven't already, check out the new deal with the How to Think Sideways course over at my place. The 12 month course at half the monthly cost might work for you. (Well, until you had to go to the expensive (but good) ENT guy.) You have a one week window beginning Monday if it will work for you.

Erudite Redneck said...

Re, "The bad news is that I may have suffered permanent hearing loss in my left ear."

I hope not. I had the crud so bad a couple of winters ago that I lost about 20 percent in my own left ear. It is annoying.