Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thoughts with dialogue

Kirsten won the hardcover of Holly Lisle’s wonderful The Ruby Key that I was giving away in the comments on last Friday’s post. Kirsten, email me so I can arrange delivery. The Ruby Key is a wonderful young adult novel. It’s self-contained, but begins a series. The Silver Door, the second books, comes out this spring and is available for pre-order from now.
Dialogue with rude customer
Phone rings.
I answer.
Customer: “You haven’t called me with the information I requested. I’ve been waiting for hours.”
Stephen: “I’ve been waiting for your email. I haven’t received it.”
C: “I sent it hours ago.”
S: “Let me check and see if I missed it.”
C: “That’s probably what you did.”
S: “It’s not here.”
C: “Check again. You overlooked it.”
S: “No, sir. It’s not here. What email address did you use?”
C: “What you gave me. I don’t know.”
S: “It’s”
C: “That’s where I sent it.”
S: “Did you spell Stephen with a ph?”
C: “No, of course not. What a dumb way to spell Stephen. Where did your parents get that?”
S: “From the Bible. Stephen was the first Christian martyr.”
C: “Well, who reads that anymore? You should change your name to make it easier for your customers.”
Longer pause
S: “If you’ll resend that email to me, I’ll get you the information you requested.”
C: “I’ll do that, but I want the information as soon as possible. I’ve wasted all day waiting because you didn’t spell your email address to me. What a stupid name.”
Customer hangs up.
Is it any wonder I hate my job sometimes?
Dialogue with a friend after a Sunday school class discussion in which the teacher said he agreed with the legislator who said the gay lifestyle was more dangerous than terrorists.
Friend: “Why do you always do that?”
Stephen: “Do what?”
F: “Defend homosexuals.”
S: “What?”
F: “Why didn’t you let it go? Everyone knows our teacher is homophobic. You didn’t have to make it obvious.”
S: “I don’t know why you’re so upset. I wasn’t rude, but I wasn’t going to sit there and let him think I agreed. I’ve yet to see any gay people blowing up buildings.”
F: “You’re always doing that. You always take the liberal side of everything.
S: “Why are you so upset? Did you agree with him?”
F: “Of course not, but … oh forget it.”
S: “I don’t understand.”
F: “No, you don’t. You never do. You never think about the consequences of what you say. Forget it.”
S: “What consequences?”
F: “Every time you defend homosexuals, don’t you realize what people think? They think you’re gay, too.”
S: “I don’t care what they think.”
F: “Yeah, that’s good for you, but what about your friends? People think I’m gay because I’m your friend.”
S: “You’re married!”
F: “Like that matters.”
S: “Do you really care what those people think?”
F: “I have a business here. This is Oklahoma. A rumor gets around like that, and people stop coming in.”
S: “I’m sorry.”
F: “It’s okay.”
S: “But I won’t stop.”
F: “I knew you wouldn’t understand.”
S: “I do understand. I understand perfectly. Being friends with me might cost you business because I won’t keep my big mouth shut. I guess you have to decide if being my friend is worth it. Because I won’t shut up. I can’t. I wish I could, but I can’t. I won’t let my silence be seen as approval. Look, I know you don’t understand why I defend gays and electric cars and Democrats, but I do it because I’m compelled to. Because my conscience says I have to. Because people are too quiet, and they let bad things happen because they won’t speak up and they won’t do what’s right because it costs them. If I don’t speak up, who’s going to?”
F: “There are other people. God didn’t call you to protect them. I want you to think about this: Do you do it because it’s right or because you want the attention?”
S: “I can’t believe you said that. You know better than that. You know better than that!”
F: “Forget it. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. You’re my friend. I’m glad you’re my friend.”
S: “I’m glad you’re my friend, too. And I’m sorry if I … embarrass you.”
F: “You don’t. Forget it.”
S: “Forgotten already.”
But it wasn't. I sat in church wondering how long he and his family will continue to be my friends if I keep opening my big mouth.
I’ve always found it interesting how stories can change. You think they’re leading one place, but then you find you’re on another path. For instance, when I started writing Murder by the Mile, the third book in the Measurements of Murder Mystery ™ series, I thought it was about an armored car robbery. Turns out I was wrong. The armored car robbery isn’t even mentioned now, and that deletion changed the story quite a bit. No ex-convicts, no driven FBI agents, no hidden money. The only thing that didn’t change was the motive for the murders: revenge.

Fear was the motive in Murder by Dewey Decimal. Greed was the motive in Murder by the Acre. Of course, in both books, other motives got mixed in there, but those two emotions dominated the respective books. Or at least that's what I intended. What do you think? Have you read both of them? Here's the links if you need to buy them and catch up.

Click here to order Murder by the Acre in softcover from
Click here to order Murder by the Acre in softcover from
Click here to order Murder by the Acre in hardcover, exclusively from
Click here to order Murder by the Acre merchandise.

Have a great day!


Kirsten said...

Please, please, please keep opening your big mouth! Loosing friends over something like that is always hard, but there are people in that town who will be glad to hear you say the needed things. They may never tell you, but you give them hope.

And btw, who is this person to say that you *weren't* called by God to speak up?

As for the other, people do like to blame others for their own mistakes. Why didn't he ask you how to spell it?

Anonymous said...

Gays haven't blown up buildings but they have wrecked a lot of lives over the years. Maybe your teacher was making that point. Homosexuality is a sin and it kills people too more than terrorists ever have. I know everyone on this blog is going to jump all over me but I'm telling it like it is.

Do you ever wonder your telling people its okay to be gay when you defend them? I know you mean well but maybe you should stop and think some.

SBB said...

Kirsten, thank you so much for the support. I appreciate it muchly.

Patriot, a few things you got wrong:
1) Everyone won't jump on you here. I'm not sure if many come by here anymore! So you're probably safe ... except from me.
2) I have spent hours and hours and more hours considering how I feel about this issue -- I'm nothing if not compulsive -- and I stand by my position. Gay people should not be beat up or harassed or anything else resembling discrimination. A little thought on your part should see how oppressing any minority is a slippery slope. Who gets to decide who is oppressed next time?
3) When people say in church that any sinner -- and the Bible says we are all sinners, by the way -- is worse than a terrorist, it gives license for dumb people to commit acts of violence. I won’t give the ignorant that license. Why are you trying to?
4) Smoking has killed more people than anything else in this world over the years, but I don’t see people advocating that we strip smokers from all human rights. (And I tell you, I hate smoking with hellish passion.)
5) As for approval, do you really think society’s approval changes gay people? They have existed with and without it over the centuries, and they still exist. Do you really think we can shame it out of existence?
Perhaps you should think about this a bit more and get back to us.

Anonymous said...

At the risk of sounded bigoted - and having to agree with Patriot which is something I NEVER thought I'd do - doesn't he have a point when he's speaking of the deaths caused by homosexuality? Millions have died of AIDS, a disease spread mostly by homosexual sex. Terrorists haven't killed millions.

Anonymous said...

I logged in to tell you that I have finished your first book, Murder by Dewey Decimal and found it very entertaining. I have told several people here in your hometown about the book and how good it is so hopefully I have encourged other people to buy a copy too. I've got Murder by the Acre so will start that one soon. Terri

Anonymous said...

Even if you'd said, "Stephen, with a ph," he would've spelled it S-t-e-p-h-a-n, so don't worry about it. ;)

SBB said...

Gloria, I discussed this with Crystal, who is a nurse, and she pointed out that millions of people have died simply because they or their doctors or nurses didn't wash their hands properly. We certainly wouldn't say health care professionals are terrorists. I think terrorism has to have an evil intent.

SBB said...

Terri, thank you! It's good to hear from you. Could you please send me your email address? I can't find the card I wrote it down on. My email is "issacskye at".

SBB said...

LOL, FF! I hadn't thought of that, but you're right on target!

Anonymous said...

Are you saying nurses and doctors are the same as homosexuals? And Ive heard reports of homosexuals deliberately infected other people to build up support for AIDS research. I'm not saying thats true but I've read it in several places and it makes twisted sense. Thats evil!! When someone gets into that lifestyle they think totally different from the rest of us. I may not be college educated and know everything but I know their different. You can't speak for them without being one. You trying is probably why people think you are one when you defend them.

Im not saying you are one because I've been by your blog enough to know thats not true or I think it isnt' but I can see why your sunday school teacher would think you were if your always defending homosexuals.

SBB said...

Patriot, of course, I'm not saying that medical folks are the same as gays, and I know you know I wasn't. That's simply a silly thing to ask. The question makes no sense.

I doubt gays deliberately infect other people, but in this huge world, probably someone somewhere has done that. I've read of a Baptist man who went crazy and killed his wife. Should I now think all Baptists are wife killers?

We could probably debate this endlessly, but I won't. I've never used 51313 Harbor Street for that type of debate. Might I suggest you head on over to Erudite Redneck's blog? ( You will find people there who have the intellect and will to wrestle with these questions. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Ive been to ER's place before. No thanks. Nothing but closed leftist minds there. None are so blind as those who refuse to see the truth. Pearls before swine is the truth.

Erudite Redneck said...


Dude, I'm not sure I have anything to say that shouldn't be clear to anyone who wears the name "Christian."

Re, "God didn’t call you to protect them." Christ has, in fact, as clear as a bell, called all those who follow Him to love ALL, especially those we consider our enemies. Especially those.

As for homosexuality being a sin. Big whup. When every fat conservative-fundamentalist preacher in this country loses weight -- repents of the sin of gluttony -- I'll give that some consideration. Until then: LOVE EVERYBODY, OPEN THE COMMUNION TABLE AND THE PULPIT TO ALL WHO CALL ON THE NAME OF CHRIST, AND LET GOD SORT US OUT.

Erudite Redneck said...

Patriot woudn't know close-mindedness if if bit him, apparently. :-)

SBB said...

Okay, let me put it another way, Patriot. I'm not interesting in debating or discussing that issue with you or on this blog. That's not the purpose of this blog nor will it ever be. You're certainly welcome to visit -- please don't take it that you're not -- but those type of discussions belong elsewhere.

As for ER's blog, if their minds are closed, perhaps it's because they're right or they haven't heard anything to convince them otherwise. They're an intelligent group. They respect intelligence and wisdom. Offer them some, and you might be surprised what happens.

Anonymous said...

TECH, naturally you dont want to debate it here or anywhere. Ive notice liberals always change the subject when their losing!! :) I mean this as a joke. Ive noticed liberals miss my sense of humor sometimes.

Anonymous said...

ER: my mind is more open than yours!! I dare you to listen to Ann or Rush for once with an open mind. You might learn truths but you wont because your mind is closed tight and nailed down with leftist propaganda.

Because some preachers are fat doesn't make homosexuality right. God hates all sin. ALL! Sin is still sin and will send people to hell.

If TECH cared about homosexuals he should be trying to keep them from going to HELL not defending them in Sunday school!!!!

But if I keep on TECH will start deleting my comments so Ill shut up now! :)

Erudite Redneck said...

Ann C. is a sick, twisted poser.

Rush is a great comedian.

I've read enough of Coulter to know she's a fake. I've heard enough Rush to know he's a buffoon.

Erudite Redneck said...

Hey, Patriot, here's a rational assessment of one of Coulter's "books."

SBB said...

Patriot, you have at least said one correct thing: I will delete any further comments from you about this. Happily.

Any further discussion would be useless. You're not going to change your mind and I'm not going to change mind. I would suggest you find someone else to convince, but frankly I don't care what you do as long as you don't do it here. Good day.

Michelle said...

Different company, same job. Same...customers. I empathize completely.

Trixie said...

Oh my goodness. Tech, please, keep speaking the truth you know. I'm sorry you've hit a stretch of interactions that make you want to choke the life out of someone. Oh, wait. Maybe that was me.

SBB said...

Michelle, I figured you had some of them, too. Maybe they're all related. One huge rude stupid family spread across the U.S. doing their best to drive customer service reps around the bend!

SBB said...

Thanks for the support, Trixie. I appreciate it and you!

Jean said...

Haven't read the comments yet, but homosexuals are worse than terrorists? I know you're not kidding, but someone is thinking a very sheltered life, and it isn't you.

What consenting adults do in the privacy of their home is their business. What terrorists do to the fabric of our society is critically important. I know your teacher's view is that what consenting adults do in the privacy of their home also tears at the fabric of our society, but the teacher is thinking of the depraved things that would be illegal no matter the sexuality of the perpetrator. I guess it stems from a fundamental difference in beliefs about whether homosexuality is a choice or determined by things beyond our personal control. That debate doesn't appear to be near ending.

I've done a poor job of saying that you need to continue to speak your conscience.

SBB said...

Jean, thanks for the support. And yes, Oklahoma had a legislator who said that. Sally Kerns. This is what she actually said: "Studies show that no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted more than, you know, a few decades. So it's the death knell of this country. I honestly think it's the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam — which I think is a big threat, okay? Cause what's happening now is they are going after, in schools, two-year olds...And this stuff is deadly, and it's spreading, and it will destroy our young people, it will destroy this nation."

She won her re-election in 2008 by nearly 2,000 votes.

Jean said...

It's not as simple as many people try to make it out to be. All homosexuals are not bad any more than all heterosexuals are good. I don't believe it's the sexual orientation that makes a person good or bad. It's other actions and beliefs.