Sunday, December 11, 2005

The cold has kicked my butt

      I think the headline says it all. I've done nothing this weekend except sleep, be sick, take medicine, etc. I'm about to go to bed now. I hope that I improve quickly. My Christmas plans are falling apart. Truly I need warm weather. I'm ready for spring, ready summer. A friend of mine asked me, "What are we doing here in this cold weather?" I don't know.
      I did watch the Fantastic Four movie on DVD. I'm glad I didn't pay for it in the theater. It isn't a great movie. Nor even good. It's just okay. It had no depth and no story. I think the Spiderman movies have set my expectations high.
      I'm going back to my cocoon now. Hope y'all are doing well.


Michelle said...

Well I am glad I didn't spend my money on that one then...As soon as you are well, you shuold go see Narnia. Definitely worth it!

I hope you are doing better soon...truly.

Michelle said...

Ha...I beat out Gloria AND Crystal. :P

Erudite Redneck said...

This must be whby you don't like winter.

Get well!!

Jean said...

Poor Tech. Hugs to you. Hope you feel better soon.

CrystalDiggory said...

Sorry you still feel like bad, Tech. Hope you get over this soon.

CrystalDiggory said...

(Wow, you really have to be fast around here to get the first comment in.) :)