Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Photos from Ada book signing

Most of the photos from the book signing didn't turn out, but I wanted to share these three. Everyone who attended was really nice, and we had a good time, and I sold some books! The sugar-free refreshments provided by Librarian Jennifer Greenstreet and the Ada Public Library were especially appreciated. I wish y'all all could have been there.

Click here to order Murder by the Acre in softcover.
Click here to order Murder by the Acre in hardcover.
Click here to order Murder by the Acre merchandise.


AK Huckeby said...

Wow, that actually looks like fun. Good luck with the upcoming's been slow reading for me so far - not the book, but I just have a ton going on and haven't been able to sit down for very long yet. When I do get to read, the time does fly though - good so far! Maybe I'll get a few hours this weekend to do nothing but sit in the overstuffed chair, prop my feet up, brew a pot of coffee, and enjoy a good read.

By the way, my word verification for this comment was "matercat" - I LOVE that...not sure what it would be about, but a cool name for a screenplay!

Trixie said...

Hooray for you, Mr. Multiple Published Author! I hope you enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

You look so "author-ish!" ;)

SBB said...

It was a lot of fun. I wish all three of y'all could have been there. Maybe next time or the time after that when some publisher finally sends me on a book tour!