Sunday, September 27, 2009

Nice and relaxing

Summer is over, so I switched the Harbor Street template back to our regular template. I tried to find a good fall template, but couldn't find anything that was attractive and readable. I'll keep looking.

Still fighting a cold. Sigh. But I've been drinking lots of fluid, getting lots of rest, trying to eat immune boosting foods, and so on. So far, I've been able to keep it from developing into anything really bad.

I'm attempting to finish the August family newsletter this week. I want to do the September one in the week following. And then I'll be caught up and only need to do the October one before the end of that month to stay caught up. Whew! I'm excited about being caught up.

Otherwise, not much to tell you. I did housework, watched football, ran some errands, napped, and so on this weekend. That's about it. It was a nice relaxing weekend. I hope you had the same.

Talk to you tomorrow! Have a great night.

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Anonymous said...

Are you telling me my page isn't attractive and readable??? :::sniff:::

SBB said...

Why, no, FF, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying I couldn't find a template that was attractive and readable that wasn't already taken ... :)

Jean said...

You beat me to it, FF.

Tech, selecting a template isn't like a marriage. They aren't expected to be monogamous...