For reasons that surpass my understanding, Barnes and Noble has launched Floozy Comes Back today! I didn't even know she was back in the States!
Here's the link: Floozy takes Barnes and Noble!
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
"Catchy Tune, but Can You Cuss to It?
The other day I heard a song on the radio. It had a catchy beat and noises that vaguely sounded like words. I liked it—right up until I got home and looked up the lyrics. Then I hunted down the singers, washed their dirty mouths out with lye soap, enrolled the boys in military school, and sent the girl singer to a nunnery. Then I shot their record producer and dropped his body in an alligator-filled swamp. Just a regular Saturday for me actually.
I think this means I am officially old and not in tune with modern music. In fact, I’m only a few years away from sitting on my porch and yelling for the neighbor kids to get off my lawn, those young snotfaces with their iPhone this and iPad that. They’re going to be mighty surprised when my iCane impacts their smart-alecky heads. They’ll probably run home crying, “iHurt! iHurt! iHurt!” Whiners. Or more correctly iWhiners.
From Floozy Comes Back available July 30. Copyright 2018 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
I think this means I am officially old and not in tune with modern music. In fact, I’m only a few years away from sitting on my porch and yelling for the neighbor kids to get off my lawn, those young snotfaces with their iPhone this and iPad that. They’re going to be mighty surprised when my iCane impacts their smart-alecky heads. They’ll probably run home crying, “iHurt! iHurt! iHurt!” Whiners. Or more correctly iWhiners.
From Floozy Comes Back available July 30. Copyright 2018 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Travels with Floozy
Okay, I really haven't been jealous of Floozy's world travels until now. Isn't this lovely? She's visiting the beautiful Lake Louise located in the Banff National Park in Alberta Canada. Lake Louise is one of the most visited lakes in Canada, and you can see why. #FloozyCB
Friday, July 20, 2018
"Attack of the Flying Tapeworm"
"Tattoo Buyer Regret" AKA "Attack of the Flying Tapeworm"
A friend of mine got her first tattoo recently. She had wanted one for years, she told me, and she finally took the plunge. (Plunge being an apt word choice in this instance, as you will see if you keep reading and why wouldn’t you? It’s not like you have much of a social life.)
She wanted something “tasteful but cheerful.” She found an illustration of those charming but theologically unsound cherubs painted by the Renaissance artist Raphael and decided one of those cute winged angels would permanently fly on her left shoulder. She priced various tattoo artists and located one with the lowest prices. His establishment was clean, and he was courteous and professional. All in all, an unremarkable event, except she probably should have found an artist who charged more.
From Floozy Comes Back available July 30. Copyright 2018 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
A friend of mine got her first tattoo recently. She had wanted one for years, she told me, and she finally took the plunge. (Plunge being an apt word choice in this instance, as you will see if you keep reading and why wouldn’t you? It’s not like you have much of a social life.)
She wanted something “tasteful but cheerful.” She found an illustration of those charming but theologically unsound cherubs painted by the Renaissance artist Raphael and decided one of those cute winged angels would permanently fly on her left shoulder. She priced various tattoo artists and located one with the lowest prices. His establishment was clean, and he was courteous and professional. All in all, an unremarkable event, except she probably should have found an artist who charged more.
From Floozy Comes Back available July 30. Copyright 2018 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Floozy arrives!
My copies of Floozy Comes Back are here! Woohoo! Now, what does that mean for her online debut? I don't know. I'm not sure either is connected, but I have my copies! So that's good!
Monday, July 16, 2018
London calling...
Sweet land of Goshen...that's Big Ben, isn't it? Floozy is in London. She's getting around more than Doctor Who. #FloozyCB
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Floozy in Paris
Seriously, Floozy, Paris?! You're in Paris? Any chance that's Paris, Arkansas? Sigh. I do like the beret, though.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Floozy goes skiing!
I thought when Floozy said she wanted to go skiiing, she meant water skiing! I don't even think that mountain range is in the United States. No wonder she asked about frequent flyer miles!
Thursday, July 12, 2018
My mistake
Because I made the mistake of saying this day couldn't get any worse, Floozy Comes Back ran into a problem at the publisher. It's fixed, but it's off schedule now. I know she will go on sale on on the 30th. I'm hoping Amazon, Barnes & Noble, BAM!, and the others will also have her on sale that day. If not, they will have her the first or second week of August. Right now, they're saying they will "attempt" to hit the July 30th date. We'll see. Of course, I will have my copies by then so the local folks will be able to get it. There's no particular charm about the 30th, but it happens to be my birthday and I thought it would be a cool thing to have her premiere on that day. Okay, universe, you proved your point. I won't say that particular phrase ever again!
Oh, here's Floozy under the island palms. Where I'd like to be.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
"The Fine Art of Sighing"

Not that I’m the master of sighing. No, that title belongs to my brother. He can create sighs that are the verbal equivalent of the Mona Lisa. For some unaccountable reason, I am the cause of many of his sighs, and I can tell you they are capable of making strong men weep or at least check to see if the tires of their cars are leaking. His sighs convey the overall theme of “my brother is nuts and why am I burdened with him” with layers of such emotions as “life is a mystery of sadness and joy” and “geese fly south in the winter as the year moves toward its end.”
From Floozy Comes Back available July 30. Copyright 2018 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
"To A Fault"

To a judgmental person, it might possibly sound like I’m self absorbed, but let’s be honest, if you were as awesome as me—if that were even possible, and frankly, it’s not—you’d be self-absorbed, too. I’m definitely marvelous. People are fascinated by me, particularly doctors who want to study me in a specially controlled environment.
From Floozy Comes Back available July 30. Copyright 2018 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
Sunday, July 08, 2018
"Those Whom Gods Would Destroy…Publish First"

I speak from experience. I’m in the middle of publishing a book right now. It’s been nearly three years since my last publication, mostly because it took me that long to recover. However, my creditors were hounding me again, and I embarked on another publishing voyage somewhat similar to that undertaken by the Titanic, but more tragic since it involves me.
From Floozy Comes Back available July 30. Copyright 2018 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
Saturday, July 07, 2018
"Je ne parle pas Français!*"

I don’t even know why I want to learn French. I have no particular desire to travel to France, although it seems lovely and they did give us the Statue of Liberty, which is much nicer than a gift card but not as easy to carry.
From Floozy Comes Back available July 30. Copyright 2018 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
Friday, July 06, 2018
From "Floozy Comes Back"
Hamlet or Another Four Hours I Won’t Get Back
You all know Hamlet by William Shakespeare is one of the greatest plays ever written. If you didn’t know, now you do, and you can go to bed knowing you learned one thing today.
You may be surprised to also learn I am not a fan of the play. Oh, I recognize the genius of it, and it has one of the most famous and moving soliloquies ever written (To be or not to be....) but frankly it doesn’t have a role for Dolly Parton, and I don’t like plays that preclude the chance of casting her.
From Floozy Comes Back available July 30. Copyright 2018 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
You all know Hamlet by William Shakespeare is one of the greatest plays ever written. If you didn’t know, now you do, and you can go to bed knowing you learned one thing today.
You may be surprised to also learn I am not a fan of the play. Oh, I recognize the genius of it, and it has one of the most famous and moving soliloquies ever written (To be or not to be....) but frankly it doesn’t have a role for Dolly Parton, and I don’t like plays that preclude the chance of casting her.
From Floozy Comes Back available July 30. Copyright 2018 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
Monday, July 02, 2018
From "Floozy Comes Back"

I’ve been accused of not paying attention more than once in my life. By teachers, parents, siblings, girlfriends, friends who are girls, just plain friends, fellow employees, teammates, etc., and who say I’m the poster child for Adult Attention Deficit Syndrome. I think it’s time to explain this once and for all—if I’m not paying attention, it’s because you’re not being interesting. If you’d step up your game, I’d be with you more.
From Floozy Comes Back available July 30. Copyright 2018 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
Sunday, July 01, 2018
From "Floozy Comes Back"
My Fitness Goal—and, Yes, I DO Have One
At the gym—yes, I was at the gym; that shocked expression doesn’t look good on you—I was asked what my fitness goal was. And I answered promptly, “I want to be one of those obnoxious skinny people.” You know the ones I mean: they eat like starving pigs, but they never gain weight. In fact, they are so used to their incredible metabolism that burns fat like a Congressman spends money that they are baffled by people who are overweight.
From Floozy Comes Back available July 30. Copyright 2018 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
At the gym—yes, I was at the gym; that shocked expression doesn’t look good on you—I was asked what my fitness goal was. And I answered promptly, “I want to be one of those obnoxious skinny people.” You know the ones I mean: they eat like starving pigs, but they never gain weight. In fact, they are so used to their incredible metabolism that burns fat like a Congressman spends money that they are baffled by people who are overweight.
From Floozy Comes Back available July 30. Copyright 2018 by Stephen B. Bagley. All rights reserved.
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