Monday, April 30, 2018

Coming in May!

This should go on sale in May. Don't have the exact date, but will share, of course, when I do. It has a couple of articles and short stories in it by me. Excited to see my works among the others. The submissions judge did a great job in selecting the best from the submissions. (Although she didn't select several of my submissions. Sigh.) The anthology has articles, memoirs, short stories, poetry, and even recipes! Good writing from good authors. Anyway, here's the cover! #PT&T #Prosateurs

Last Day of April

The year is speeding by. Worries me how quickly time is passing. It seems when I was younger, a year was an impossibly long time. Now, I turn my head, and it blurs by. Either time is speeding up—not entirely impossible by our current understanding of physics as long as we don't equate time with light—or my perception of time is off. After all, a day is a day is a paraphrase Stein a bit. 

Anyway, April is almost gone. What a strange April it has been. Our Oklahoma weather jumped from freezing to sweaty in the space of a day or two. Then repeated. And repeated a few more times. We seem finally to be past the temperature fluctuations, but now we're looking at possible tornadoes this week. Weather in the state has always been unexpected, but this is pushing it even for us.

Possibly this is a manifestation of climate change. Hard to know since climate change mostly talks about global changes, which will affect various areas, but the science is imprecise in what exactly those changes will be. None of the discussed changes, by the way, are ones that will create a paradise. No, they’re ones that will cause our grandchildren to hold us in contempt.

Whether such changes in the weather are possible for us to control or to mitigate...I don’t know. Okay, yes, we can, but we lack the will to make those changes. As long as the will is lacking, we will continue to have discussions about climate change until the time for doing anything is long gone. 

Setting that aside, it should be an interesting week here. Time for us to watch the sky.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Angel over the ape

We might not create Eden, but it doesn't have to be a wasteland. We can take a compassionate, reasoned, pragmatic approach to life. We can do what we can to make the world better and trust that others will pick up where we falter. We each day must choose the angel over the ape.