Sunday, November 06, 2011

Earthquake and other stuff

Yesterday was an exciting day. We had an earthquake then and several aftershocks this morning. The major quake was 5.6 the scientists say, a record for Oklahoma. Made a few new cracks in my interior walls and one new in the brick facade, but nothing major. Quite weird.

Anyway, in less exciting news.

Deep in National Novel Writing Month. Currently 14,250 cumulative. Doing better than I've ever done with a story that I really feel uncertain about it. It's family drama. Dark secrets. But no magic, vampires, beasts, magick, swords, or really heroes. Just people making good and bad decisions and not knowing until later which is which. It's quite odd for me. I've never written anything like it. I think it's good for me for explore this new territory even if a published book never results from it.

Four people from my town signed up for NaNoWriMo this year. They've apparently all quit, but they did start and wrote a couple of thousand words, so that's good, and they still have plenty of time to get inspired.

Still walking at the gym. Eating things I shouldn't. Got to cut that back. Otherwise, so far, so good. Intending on getting my flu shot this week.

I'm making four photo books for a woman featuring her beautiful baby. I made one of my roommate's grandchildren for him, and he showed it around work. Several other people are supposed to order ones, also. Hope they do. Not a lot of money, but it's helping pay my bills. Still selling greeting cards. Think I've thought of just about every funny thing I can about birthdays. Going to work on Christmas cards next. Still sending out resumes.

Black dog is staying away. Health is okay. Still fighting insomnia, but will talk to my doctor at my next appointment next month and see what we can do about that.

Anyway, that's my news.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We really felt that earthquake here, too, but I can't see any damage. As I was walking around my house checking out the house and yard, I realized my dogs do more damage than earthquakes.

Can't wait to see what you've written! It sounds like quite a departure from what you usually write and it sounds like you're doing quite well at it, which is no surprise. :)
