Thursday, March 05, 2009

Making up

I know I’ve been gone for a few days. I’ll try to make up for it with an extra-long entry today covering all sorts of things. How’s that? I knew that would excite you. Let’s get started.


Nothing new here. I’ll go to a new doctor in OKC tomorrow morning. I hope I finally start getting answers there. I’m also hoping that we start treating the problem rather than just doing more tests. I’m ready to start spending money I don’t have on treatments.

I’m still walking at the fitness center almost every evening. It’s slowly getting easier, but I’m sure not where I should be by a long shot. Still, I’m proud that I’ve hung in there this long. A few more months and I bet I’ll see a huge improvement. Overall, I think I have more endurance and stamina.

I haven’t lost any weight, however. I’m not really that disappointed about that. I’m walking to improve my health. Besides, if the odds go against me and I turn out to have cancer in some form, having a reserve is a good thing. I well remember how thin my father got as he fought his cancer.

My good friend Kyra and my roomie walk with me almost every time. My roomie always does, but sometimes we miss Kyra. They both take good care of me. I’ve only had one low blood sugar incident there, which means, I think, that my body is adjusting to the exercise. I’m sure not setting any speed records, but slowly and surely I’m getting better.

Oakleaf Harbor

I haven’t been working on my Cafepress store much lately. No sales at all discouraged me a bit, but also I just haven’t had the energy. I’m pretty wiped out after going to the fitness center, but that’s improving. This weekend I plan to add more people’s names to the Jesus Loves … section. In the pipeline are: Beverly, Michelle, Grace, Glory, Richard, Dolores, Todd, Morgan, Mikayla, Zackary, Samantha, Joey, Michael, and Jordan. I hope to get all those done this weekend. I’m going to be using a new flowered background for the ladies. I hope they like it.


Yes, I’m Facebooking now. If you’re Facebooking, Friend me! If you’re not Facebooking, start and then friend me. And if you do, I’ll send you an invite to the Stephen B. Bagley Books group page on FB.

So far, I’ve mostly found FB to be a lot of fun. However, FB is going to make some major changes next week, supposedly to make it more like Twitter. I am not a Twitter fan. So we’ll see. I will be trying to hang here at this blog more.


Not much is going on. My health and fatigue issues have consumed me. If I sit still long, I sleep! But I haven’t given up on Murder by the Mile and still plan for it to come out this year.

I am, however, co-authoring a book with my friend Gail Claunts. It should be out in May on Lulu and in July or August on Amazon. More details on this as the project comes together. The title is 75 Dates for $25 or Less!

And that's all for today. More tomorrow I hope!

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Jean said...

I'm so proud of you for hanging in there and walking. If you look back on your earlier posts, I think you'll see you've made tremendous progress. And with all your other health issues, it would have been very easy for you to say walking was too much. But you didn't. You've hung in there, even though it's still hard to do.

I, too, hope they have a viable treatment for whatever is ailing you. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Yah he lives!! My husband has been on a health kick and oofered to walk at lunch and skip eating..i just laughed and laughed...then ate
ps walking should be done from horse back