Friday, March 21, 2008

Jelly beans & things

      Have I mentioned I love jelly beans? I can eat them until I'm sick, and I still want to pop one more in my mouth. My favorite flavors this year are green apple, popcorn and grape. My least favorite is coconut. I like coconut, but the jelly bean coconut flavor is a bit bitter. It lingers in your mouth longer than it should. A girlfriend of mine long ago gave me a huge glass bowl filled with jelly beans as a gift once. I should have held on to her, but with my amazing talent in ruining relationships, I let jealousy run rampant and ran her off. She's happily married with two children now. At least I still enjoy jelly beans.
      Been a weird day. Lack of sleep kept me groggy all day. Last night I woke up at 3:30 a.m. experiencing an episode of diabetes neuropathy (nerve pain). It's rare for that to happen to me. It was concentrated in my feet. Very unpleasant. I took some Advil and walked around a bit and rubbed my feet with a warm washcloth. Eventually I was able to go back to bed around 5 a.m. Not much sleep. I was off this afternoon and had plenty to do, but after running errands and doing a bit of housework, I napped. I needed the sleep, but I need to be writing, too. Not enough hours in the day for all I need to do. Bet that sounds familiar to you. We all need more time.
      I changed the cover for Murder by the Acre a bit. The new one is below. I added the crossed shotguns. I thought it filled the cover better. What do you think?

      Other than working on the cover, I wasn't very productive today. I hope you were. Have a good night! Talk to you tomorrow. Here's a bit of music to end the night on.


AK Huckeby said...

Hey, the cover looks nice...I like the simplicity of the first book and the second book does the same. Be careful about being tempted to "fill the space" - the negative space in design is as important as the graphic/content. You might play around with looking down the barrel of a double barrel shotgun - or something more abstract like a spent shotgun shell maybe. Just some thoughts to ponder maybe... By the way, save the coconut beans...I'll eat 'em!

Anonymous said...

I think the new cover looks nice, too, but I like the idea of spent shotgun shells. You might play with that and see what you come up with.

I didn't know you liked jelly beans. A few jelly beans go a long ways for me, but I have a hard time saying "No, No, get away from me!" to peanut butter cups. Especially those deceitful little ones that say, "But I'm so little, just a few of us won't hurt. It's not like you're eating a king size Snickers bar. I'm just a little bite of sweet goodness. How can I be bad for you?" I know it's wrong, but I fall for that line every time.

Fortunately, the other voices in my head are just as loud so I can sometimes drown out the peanut butter cups. It's the only way I can get away from them.

I hate Weight Watcher's by the way. They should have a system where the one with the most points at the end of the week wins. I'd be high scorer every week!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I liked the other cover better. To be frank, if I hadn't just been told those were crossed shotguns, I would have thought I was looking at ink blots. The spent shells is a good idea, or just going back to the original. (Sorry, was that too frank??)

You're a real jelly bean connoisseur. I doubt I would analyze a jelly bean so thoroughly! ;)

Unknown said...

My weakness is peanut m&m's. They are even smaller than peanut butter cups and much more subversive! A large bag disappears like sugar in a rainstorm. Sigh.

Unknown said...

The book cover looks good. I agree with the comment about not filling in all the space. Maybe one shotgun with a spent shell. Just a thought. Those look like remington 870s.
I sympathize with the rough night I don't sleep well either and spent most nights in and out.

Erudite Redneck said...

Yo, dude. 1., thanks for weighing in over at my place this week; 2., don't freak if you think I've removed you from my blogroll, I just moved it to a place where I think I'll see it better, so maybe I'll come by here more often. :-)

Erudite Redneck said...

Oh, I'm a j-bean eater, too, although it irritates me that I think of R.W. Reagan almost every time I down a handful. :-)

SBB said...

Adam, my graphic skills are limited. I think the crossed shotguns are what I'm going to go with, but thanks for the ideas.

Crystal, I think your WW idea is great! Try them and see what they think. :)

FF, not too frank. But I think I'm going to go with the crossed shotguns anyway.

Amber, I'd rather have jelly beans over peanut M&Ms, but they're good, too.

As I get older, Kent, it's harder to sleep at night, but I sure can nap during the day!

ER, nice to see you drop by. And yes, I think of Reagan when I eat a handful, too, but I refuse to let that spoil my enjoyment! :)