Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Tuesday morn

      Blogger's being all wocky today. I can't look at my page, although apparently I am able to post. We'll see how it goes.
     I wanted to thank Gloria (Wry Words), Frenzied Feline (Life Happens) and Michelle (Soul Patches) for posting a link to Murder by Dewey Decimal on their blogs. They are awesome ladies, and I appreciate their support.
      I have another minor surgery on my foot this afternoon. I'm not looking forward to this, although who would? I'm hoping this will be the last. There will probably be another follow-up visit, but maybe that will be it. I hope so. Not having health insurance ... is truly bad. Maybe someday our country will have affordable universal health care. If insurance companies and doctors didn't worship the all-mighty dollar, we might already.
      I've found that I've been thinking of money spent in terms of books I need to sell. For instance, my first foot surgery cost me 42 books. My diabetes testing strips cost me 25 books. I wonder if non-self-published authors do that. When they buy a McDonalds burger, do they automatically think, 'Well, there goes a hardcover'?
      I'm running late today. I overslept so I'm going to have to cut this short. Have a good day.
Order Murder by Dewey Decimal in paperback HERE!

Order Murder by Dewey Decimal in hardcover HERE!

Order Murder by Dewey Decimal merchandise HERE!


Bri said...

I agree about the health insurance - and I hope your second surgery goes well. And whoorah about your ranking!

SBB said...

Thanks, Bri!

Anonymous said...

Yah everyone thinks in terms of something. Mine is in terms of horses..Oh I could trade the kids insurance payment for a really nice mare! It would only be for a few months. They would never know.

SBB said...

Yeah, but then you'd be stuck with a horse and they're hard to cook and taste bad as well ... :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's just you, Blogger's been just fine to me. :)

I hope this next surgery isn't too bad for you. It's a real bummer when it's a foot that hurts, since they carry us to the things we want to do.

By the way, this reminds me, how's your sister doing?

Rowan Asterion said...

Mine is beads. I love beads. And now I love jump rings (for chain maille jewelry)

SBB said...

Hey, Rowan, you made it! Cool!

Rowan Asterion said...

Blogger is such a pain sometimes. No other sites go into that idiotic loop! I've been standing outside this glass window trying to get through for several days now. It also won't let me sign in as AmberClear off and on. Anyway, I'm glad the book is going well and take care of your foot.

SBB said...

Yeah, I get frustrated with Blogger sometimes, too, but hey, it's pretty grand for the price!