Sunday, June 25, 2006

A summer cold

      I've ended up being sick all weekend with a crappy summer cold. I'm not happy about it. I've coughed, sneezed, ran a temp, had a sore throat, etc. Name a symptom, I've had it. And despite gallons of hot tea and chicken soup, vitamin C and zinc tablets by the handful, Advil, Contact and every other OTC med I could find, the cold is still lingering on. Very annoying. So basically I did nothing this weekend except sleep and stare dully at the TV. Tomorrow I have to return to work even though I probably won't feel well. The only bright spot is that I'm probably contagious and can spread my cold to annoying customers.
      Anyway, that's all I did. I have nothing new to share with you. I did really a couple of books. Outfoxed by the wonderful Rita Mae Brown and Writing to Change the World by Mary Pipher. The first was an excellent mystery as well as an extensive look into the complicated world of fox hunting. The second was a book that espoused writers tackling hard issues in their writing. It was long on anecdotes and short on writing info, I thought.
      I also read Death on the Cliff, A Gilded Age Mystery, by Mary Kruger. A pleasant enough book, but no surprises and it was obvious who the murderer was just a few chapters into the book. It also featured the stereotypical romance between the detective and our heroine in which they were rude and angry at each other most of the book, but as soon as she was in peril, he realized he loved her and she realized she loved him, and of course, they married even though it didn't seem like they had anything in common. Apparently this is the first book in a series. We'll see if it improves.
      So now I'm going to fall into my bed. I hope you are doing well and had a good weekend. I hope we all have a wonderful -- and healthy -- week. Night.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Feel better Tech :)