Sunday, January 15, 2006

Comment moderation

      With great reluctance, I have enabled comment moderation. The troll returned today, posting profanity and vulgarity. Its comments have been deleted and will no longer appear.
      Comment moderation means your comments might have a delay in showing up, but they will eventually show up.
      I apologize to most of you. I welcome your comments and will attempt to check my blog often to allow them to show up quickly. I know this will cut down on the number of comments, but I'm willing to do that so that 51313 Harbor Street remains what I intend it to be: a positive, family-friendly blog.
      For those few who apparently dislike this blog or its contents, you are not welcome. The Net is huge place. I'm sure you can find some other blog that will welcome your profanity, vulgarity and insulting comments. Seek them out as you will no longer be allowed to comment here. Also, because of my email filter, I am able to never see the comments at all. You will be speaking into a void. I find that both amusing and sad.
      Anyway, once again, I apologize to my faithful readers for this inconvenience. Know that I value your input and your friendship. Thank you.


Trixie said...

I'm sorry you've been pushed to that, Tech, but you have to do what you have to do. It's your place and you call the shots!

Slim said...

Sorry that the jerks have forced you to do this, Tech. That's one of the problems with being in the Net's eye. It makes you a target. We'll get used to the comment moderation. You do what you have to protect your blog.

Jean said...

I'm sorry you've had to do this, too, but I support you 100%. I will comment as often as without comment moderation.

Trolls and robot spammers find a way to diminsh a truly great communication medium.

Gloria Williams said...

I'm so sorry, Tech. It makes me mad that people will do that. It's like people who deface public buildings and indulge in vandalism. I don't know why some people have to pull things down rather than build things up. They're just immature, small-minded people.

I too will comment as much as I did before comment moderation. I'm not going to let anyone run me off! :)

SBB said...

Thanks for the support, Trixie. I appreciate.

SBB said...

Thanks, Slim. I'm glad y'all understand. This blog is meant as place for fun. We might touch on serious things, but that's not its purpose. Its purpose is to be safe harbor on the Net.

SBB said...

People who create robot spammers deserve a special punishment, Jean. I can't think of anything severe enough right now, but I know fire ants, lemon juice and a thousand paper cuts have to be involved.

Thanks for your support.

SBB said...

Vandalism! Exactly, Gloria. It's Net vandalism. Who knows why they do it? I think they want attention, however lame that sounds.

SBB said...

Randall, you've put your finger on the greatest gift of the Net and its greatest failing: anonymity. I remember back when a writer I know ran an open blog, people would get on there and say the most terrible things, some anonymously. Not often, but sometimes. I always wondered who those people were. Then one day one of her "friends" admitted to me that she had posted a particularly nasty note anonymously. I thought it was cowardly and never trusted that person again.

SBB said...

Good to hear, Amber! I hope life is treating well. I'll try to call you tonight or this week. We need to catch up. :)

Linda said...

I'm sorry you had to do this, Tech. I'll still be around, anyway. :)


SBB said...

That's good to hear, Linda! :)