Tuesday, October 05, 2004


      My intelligent readers solved all of yesterday's riddles except #7. So there's the answer to it: A river, a stone and grass. I didn't solve it, either, when I first heard it.
      I had something disturbing happen today, and I'm still reeling from it. I need time to process it and try to figure out what it means for my future. Well, I know it means stress and strife, but I'm trying to find some opportunity in it. I don't mean to be mysterious about it, but I'm not allowed to discuss it yet. It does deal with my job, and I am and will continue to be employed so don't worry about that. But my job may become impossibly hard. I don't know if I have it in me to overcome this or if I even want to. Anyway, I'm going to cut this short and do some thinking and some praying for some answers.
      Oh, before I forget and I've been asked a couple of times and I kept intending to tell everyone but I kept forgetting, the agent's assistant has asked to see the whole book. I told her I could have it done by the end of October, she said to send it to her, and so that's where we are. Catch you on the flipside, and I'd appreciate a mention in your prayers over the next few days.


Trixie said...

You're on my prayer list tonight too, Tech. I hope you get unexpected blessings in the circumstance. Thanks for sharing the answers to Riddle #7. Now I can sleep tonight instead of mulling.
Congrats on the newest book development! Those are magic words to see -- "the agent's assistant has asked to see the whole book"! Reason enough to celebrate! Sorry it comes at such a conflicted time for you because this should bring great joy!

Powersleeper said...

Tech, always remember the enemy will always try to get us down when we seem to be getting to our highest. Don't let the distractions at work get in the way of your book. You will be in my prayers, keep the faith.

Unknown said...

Sending strength and best wishes dance your way.

Anonymous said...

That's great news about the book!!! Hubby and I are excited for you!!! Sorry about the job, but sweetie, they're not very nice to you there. You deserve better. I'm going to pray that you find something that you can enjoy and make a living at too!!!

Gloria Williams said...

I will put you on my prayer list. Remember we're in His hands, and He has a plan even though we might not see it. Keep believing, keep praying and keep moving on. "Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world," 1 John 4:4.

Anonymous said...

Hey guy. Your roomie gave me the 411. Keep your chin up. You'll figure it out. Me and the wife will be praying for you. We always do.

SBB said...

Thank you all. I appreciate you more than I can tell.